Blue Plate Special: 50s, 60s, and 70s and more!
Blue Plate Special: 50s, 60s, and 70s and more!

Playing songs from the 1940s to the 21st century, Blue Plate Special is a band for music fans with a hearty appetite. Using their distinctive sound, the band presents a variety of musical genres and styles including pop, classic rock, country, blues, and jazz. Their songs, whether covers or originals, give the audience a feeling for American Roots music, music that sounds our history of American memories. The four-piece piece band creates a distinctive sound through their use of guitars, bass, percussion, horns, keyboard, and their remarkable vocal harmonies.
Tickets: $15 in advance/ $20 day of show
About the band:
Craig Link—percussion and vocals
As national band Timberline’s drummer, Link played with Kenny G., Dolly Parton, Ozark Mtn. Daredevils, Pure Prairie League, Amazing Rhythm Aces, Outlaws, Peter Yarrow, and Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.
Mick Johnson—guitar and vocals
Johnson has played with Fear of Flying, Get Off My Lawn, and Off the Grid. He is also a piano technician at University of Nebraska-Kearney’s Music department and a piano tuner for Hastings College, Wesleyan University, and various churches and schools.
Terry Sinnard—bass and vocals
From 2007-08 and in 2015, Sinnard played in “Prayers for the People” (a former Nebraska Arts Council Touring Program). He has also played for PILGRIM Classic Country (another former NAC Touring Program), Blackberry Winter, and the pop, rock, and blues bands Corporation Blues Band, High Voltage, The Fabulous Suns, and John Mills Band.
Greg Tesdall—horns, keyboard, and vocals
Tesdall played with the BJ Thomas tour backup band, Black Oak Arkansas, Charlie Daniels, Kenny G, and Lamont Cranston Band. He also arranged and recorded as a guest/member on multiple CDs. Additionally, he has given a number of live radio and TV performances and is a member of the Iowa Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
This show is made possible by the very generous support of the Gestring family, who are sponsoring this show in memory of their beloved sister, mother, aunt, and grandmother, Tammy Gestring
Thank you also to our other generous sponsors:
Gary and Beverly Meyer
Sally and Dennis Hansen
Gary Thompson Agency
South Central State Bank
On the Brix
Programming at the National Willa Cather's Red Cloud Opera House is also made possible by the support of the Nebraska Arts Council and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment.