Webster County Historical Marker Dedication Event

Webster County Historical Marker Dedication Event

July 12, 2017

You are cordially invited to the Webster County Historical Marker Dedication Event. The Webster County Historical Marker has been refurbished thanks to a donation from NextEra Energy Resources.

The ceremony will take place on the lawn of the Webster County Courthouse with a reception immediately following at The National Willa Cather Center. During the reception guests will have the opportunity to watch former First Lady Laura Bush's recent speech from the 62nd annual Willa Cather Spring Conference and National Willa Cather Center Dedication Event.

The Courthouse is located at 621 N. Cedar St and the National Willa Cather Center is located at 413 N. Webster St. Both are in Red Cloud.

Please RSVP by July 10th to LFattig@nshsf.org or 402-435-3535. On the Brix will serve drinks and hors d'oeuvres during the Reception.