/// Red Cloud named one of the 15 Best Small Towns to Visit by Smithsonian Magazine! ///
The Red Cloud B&B at the Kaley House
The Amboy Mill
The old Amboy Mill, 5 miles east of Red Cloud along Hwy 136
Kaley House front porch
The front porch of the Kaley House B&B
The Cather Second Home Guest House, 6th Ave & Seward
The Willa Cather Memorial Priaire, 5 miles south of Red Cloud
3 supporters of the Red Cloud Volunteer Fire Department
Willa Cather Childhood Home, 3rd Ave & Cedar
Burlington Depot, view from Welsch Street
Burlington Depot, located at the corner of Seward & Welsch
Willa Cather's Childhood Home, located at the corner of 3rd & Cedar
Red Cloud Opera House
Pavelka Farmstead, near Bladen