Red Cloud Creative District
Red Cloud Creative District

The mission of the Red Cloud Creative District is to encourage artistic and cultural creativity through advocacy, promoting programs and activities, building out infrastructure to increase access and exposure to the arts for diverse groups of people, youth engagement, becoming a regional hub for arts and culture in rural Nebraska and Kansas, becoming a destination for practicing artists and tourists, and providing opportunities for diverse expression.
Visit our page on the Nebraska Arts Council website.
The Nebraska Arts Council, a state agency, has supported the creation of Creative Districts through its matching grants program funded by the Nebraska Legislature, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment. Visit for information on how the Nebraska Arts Council can assist your organization, or how you can support the Nebraska Cultural Endowment.
Creative Districts are designated cultural and economic areas where innovation flourishes and neighborhoods come together in the name of art. They provide significant economic impact by creating purposeful spaces like art galleries, theatres, and music venues, attracting employees and businesses. These are all assets and attributes that Nebraska — and every state — can effectively harness as it seeks to reinvigorate its economy.
The purpose of the Creative District Development Grant is to provide funds to the Creative Districts of Nebraska. This program is designed for projects that focus on significant cultural tourism projects.