City of Red Cloud
City of Red Cloud
After Hours Emergency: 402-746-2212
The City of Red Cloud furnishes electricity, sewer, and water to households and businesses within the community. City owned buildings and properties include: Auld Public Library, City Hall, Scout Lodge, Power Plant, Sewer Plant, Community Center, two parks, Swimming Pool, Baseball/Softball Complex, and the Fire Hall. The City of Red Cloud also owns the Cherry Corner Estates Assisted Living Center, the land the Golf Course, and Airport are on, but those entities have their own board and financing.
Red Cloud's City Offices
540 North Webster St.
Red Cloud, NE 68970
City Clerk: Maddy Schmitz - 402-746-2215
Superintendent: - 402-746-2214
Lights and Water: 402-746-2215
Power Plant:402-746-2212
The City of Red Cloud is governed by the mayor and four city council members.
Mayor: Gene Horne
Council member - South Ward: Mike Goebel
Council member - North Ward: Ben Hobbs
Council member - South Ward: Kina Elliott
Council member - North Ward: Kevin Daehling