Historian: Red Cloud a "Living Monument"
Historian: Red Cloud a "Living Monument"
By Shay Burke/Hastings Tribune
RED CLOUD — Visiting historical places like the Willa Cather Prairie and understanding the impact of those places in the context of today’s society is of vital importance.
That was the message Brent Glass shared as part of his keynote speech during the first day Thursday of the 62nd annual Willa Cather Spring Conference.
“Historic literacy is being a citizen in a democracy,” Glass told an audience of more than 80 people filling the Red Cloud Opera House. “We need to have people like yourselves and the next generation understand you cannot pick up a newspaper or a magazine or turn on the television and hear about the news without having some understanding of the historical connection, the historical context of every issue we have today. History is a resource for understanding our own times and our own lives"....