Red Cloud Review: Best of 2023
Red Cloud Review: Best of 2023

2023 was a busy year in Red Cloud with the downtown landscaping literally transforming due various construction projects (but especially the Hotel Garber getting its 3rd floor back), national recognition for our tourism efforts, and a statue of Willa Cather being placed in the United States Capitol Building's Statuary Hall. While we do not have enough space to adequately honor every achievement and everything that happenedin 2023, we do want to take some time to recognize some major events and personal accomplishments as we wind out the clock on another great year in a place that we think the best small town in America.
The Heritage Tourism Development picks for the Top 10 tourism and Red Cloud Community Fund related stories of 2023 are: 1) Willa Cather Statue Dedication in Washington. D.C., 2) the Potter Block (aka the future site of the Hotel Garber) gets its 3rd floor back, 3) Willa Cather Childhood Home Reopening, 4) Opening of "Making a Place: A Long History of Red Cloud" exhibit in the restored Farmers & Merchants Bank, 5) Red Cloud Community Fund raises $96,000 during September Month of Giving, 6) Red Cloud named one of the Top 15 Small Towns to Visit in 2023 by Smithsonian Magazine 7) Red Cloud Creative District receives official certification, 8) Hardwick Park restoration plans unveiled, 9) Wayne Gerlach honored during well-attended Street Car Days celebration, and 10) The Willa Cather Foundation hosts 87 events in Red Cloud, virtually, and across the country to celebrate their namesake's 150th birthday!
Other highlights from 2023 include (but are certainly not limited to): Jared's Auto Experts winning Business of the Year at the 73rd Annual RC Chamber of Commerce Farmers and Merchants Banquet, Red Cloud E3 relaunching Business After Hours, Jeff MacGregor's Red Cloud article in the Smithsonian Magazine, the inaugural Starke Round Barn/Red Cloud Creative District Art Showcase, the Red Cloud Area Youth Committee getting established, the September Hail Storm, 68th Spring Cather Conference, BRAN 41 visits Red Cloud, the inaugural Willa Cather Writer's Residency launches, groundbreaking ceremony and construction nearing completion at Red Cloud Motor Company, Caden Frey commits to play football at the University of South Dakota, Ben Ely commits to play football at Doane University, Roger Hammond featured in the Flatwater Free Press, Red Cloud Community Fund's Annual Banquet holds its first awards ceremony, Nikki Stratton speaks at the RCCF Annual Banquet, Community Center gym improvements, The Valley Child Development Center receives Community Improvement Grant, and Red Cloud Jr/Sr High visits restored Cather sites and future site of the Hotel Garber.