Kaley House offers rest & relaxation
Kaley House offers rest & relaxation
From 10/11's Pure Nebraska/Jon Vanderford
If you are looking for a weekend escape, you might consider a visit to south central Nebraska and a beautifully restored Red Cloud home.
During a visit to Red Cloud, we talked to innkeeper Brenda Knehans about the Kaley House Bed and Breakfast. "The house was built in 1886 for Charles and Cyrelia Kaley," Knehans said. "They lived here for a number of years. Charles was here in Red Cloud to join his brother at his law firm. Cyrelia passed away in 1901. At that time, Charles invited his brother Dave and Dave's wife Dora, to move into his house with him. Then Charles passes away, and Dave and Dora were the main occupants of the house."