Red Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce
Red Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce

The Red Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization that operates on membership dues and dollars generated from fundraising events. They work to help the community bring in new businesses, support existing business, and share the splendor of the community with others.
Become a Member
The yearly dues are $250 for businesses with more than 10 employees or for GOLD level membership with an ad on this website, $100 for businesses with less than 10, and $50 for individuals. New businesses receive their first year of membership for free. Everyone is welcome to attend the monthly meetings, which are typically held at 5:30pm on the first Thursday of the month at the Red Cloud Community Center.
Adam Vetter, President
Michelle Durr, Vice President
Wade Maudlin, Treasurer
Mission Statement and Purpose
The Chamber is organized for the purpose of advancing the economic, industrial, professional, cultural, and civic welfare of the Red Cloud area;
To encourage the growth of existing industries and businesses while giving proper assistance to any new firms or individuals seeking to relocate in the Red Cloud area;
- To support all of those activities believed to be beneficial to the community and area, to oppose those which might be detrimental;
- And in general, to promote the welfare of all area citizens, following always those policies intended to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number.