You still have time to register for the 63rd Red Cloud High School Alumni Banquet to be held on Saturday evening,May 27th at the Red Cloud Community Center. A $25 late fee will be charged for Registrations after April 30th. If you did not receive your Invitation, please contact Patti Yaussi: to receive one.
Honored Classes:
60 year (1957)
50 year (1967)
40 year (1977)
25 year (1992)
20 year (1997)
10 year (2007)
Friday, May 26th:
- Red Cloud Community Foundation Fund Annual Banquet
Saturday, May 27th:
- Visit the new National Willa Cather Center
- Beautify Red Cloud for Laura Bush
- Putt-putt Fundraiser for Youth Basketball
- Webster County Historical Museum Open House
- 63rd Annual High School Alumni Banquet
Sunday, May 28th:
All Weekend Enjoy...
Golf, Exhibits, Shopping, Restaurants, Guided-Tours, Sight-seeing, Sharing Memories, & More!
For more information, please review the mailer and registration form by
clicking here